Nights Away

Getting away from the normal evening meeting is a great and important part of Scouting which every young person should be able to experience.
Gaining Your Nights Away Permit
See below for The Scout Association’s information about the Night’s Away Scheme and gaining your permit:
Click to read The Nights Away Permit Scheme
Click to read The Applicants Guide
Click to read The Nights Away Permit Application form
Click to read The Assessment Checklist
The InTouch System
The InTouch system is the process used to manage communications at all activities and events within Scouting
Click to read The InTouch System
Nights Away Event Passport
Nights Away Event Passports exist to enable young people in the Scout and Explorer Scout sections, who are deemed suitably skilled, to undertake a nights away activity as a peer group. Examples of this include patrol camps and expeditions.
Click here to read the Scout Association guidance for Nights Away Event passports
Nights Away FAQ's
I want more information about the scheme but don’t know where to look
Look at the links on this page which connect you to all the relevant information about the Nights Away Scheme.
Can I have a Nights Away Permit if I am not the Section Leader?
Yes you can, as long as your mandatory training is up to date (Safety and Safeguarding).
The Nights Away Advisor will complete the Assessment Checklist with you and agree a plan for you to gain your permit and then recommend the issue of an appropriate to the District Commissioner.
What ratio of adults are needed on a residential experience?
A different number of adults are required depending on the age of the young people involved:
Beavers – One adult to every Six Beavers plus the leader in charge (minimum two adults)
Cubs – One adult to every Eight Cubs plus the leader in charge (minimum two adults)
Scouts – One adult to every Twelve Scouts (minimum two adults)
Explorers – NO specific ratio is required, but there must be a minimum of two adults
With all overnight experiences, the permit holder must complete a risk assessment, which may deem that the the minimum number of adults may need to be increased to adequately support the event.
Can a young person hold a Nights Away Permit?
No they cannot, however an under 18 can be issued a “Passport” so that they can undertake overnight experiences independently and without close adult supervision.
These permits can be issued by an adult that holds a relevant permit themselves.